Sounds like a headache? That’s because it is. For instance, puppies and senior dogs aren’t very good at holding their pee in and waiting for you to take them out onto the sidewalk or dog park. In addition, some dogs simply can’t handle this change. Then there’s bad weather- ready to deal with all that mud every time they need to pee? First, unless you stay at home all the time with nothing to do, it’s impractical to keep taking your dog out. The problem with this is that it’s incredibly inconvenient. Get them to urinate on the sidewalk or at the dog park if there’s a designated bathroom area.
Make sure you’re ready to commit time, money and energy to the task because you’ll need to patch up your yard every few months. If you decide to go this route, however, be aware that you basically can’t stop. You can always grow new grass on areas affected by urine burn. Of course, this causes several other issues, such as an overgrown yard and more hiding places for bugs and pests. Let the grass grow higher than usual to cover the bare or dead areas. Don’t want to see those ugly urine-burnt spots? Hide them. This solution is more on the cosmetic side. The downside? Expensive water bills and quite literally following your dog around with a garden hose to rinse out the area every single time they pee.

This will dilute the nitrogen and allow your lawn to recover. However, there are a few things that can help you manage it: Short of not letting your dog urinate on your lawn, there’s not much you can do to prevent it for good. Preventing Dog Urine from Killing Grass is Notoriously Difficult Over time, this will eventually create brown, bare or dead spots in your lawn.

The problem is, there’s too much nitrogen plus salts in pet urine than natural grass can handle. In fact, this element is in most fertilizers. It quite literally burns the grass, which is why it’s also called “dog urine burn” or “lawn burn.” This is due to the very high nitrogen content in pet urine. If your dog regularly goes potty in your backyard, then you may have noticed the grass going brown or outright dying in spots where they urinate the most. Quick answer: no, dog urine WILL NOT damage artificial turf grass. It’s one of the top reasons why dog owners come to us for Dallas TX artificial turf.

Most pet owners who have a natural lawn already know this.